We all know that just creating content isn't enough.
Content creation is only half the battle – the rest is gaining notice.
If you want traffic and conversion, you need to make sure your content looks as sexy outside your website as it does on it.
That means having the right OG:Image tags for example.
This release shows you the Open Graph tags and Twitter Cards on any page you're on.
You might also have heard about Reddit's growing importance in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).
So, we've included an easy way to see if the current URL is already shared on any subreddit. Like this, you can jump right into the discussion if the link has already been submitted.
Otherwise, a "Submit this link" is provided for a link to the Reddit submission page.
And if you're just starting out on your Reddit journey, this is also an excellent way to start building up some karma by submitting interesting content to the platform.